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We know that designing aid & development programs that are technically sound is only half of the equation.
The other half is designing your program to fit the local context. That’s where we come in.


Bridging Peoples is a network of researchers, trainers, development professionals and social change makers, dedicated to improving the impact and effectiveness of aid & development at the local level.

Bridging Peoples is a network of researchers, trainers, development professionals and social change agents, dedicated to improving the impact and effectiveness
of aid & development at the local level.

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We help you to work better locally. How? We identify the specific contextual factors and local conditions that you need to meet, to make your program a success on the ground. Then we work with you to help you develop community-centred strategies to meet these local realities. We have worked extensively with local and international NGOs, the UN, governments and donors, supporting them in improving the impact of their work at the local level.


Something magical happens when people come together around a common cause or interest. Our network brings together a range of researchers, aid & development consultants and social change agents from around the world, to share knowledge, ideas and experience. The result? The best of both worlds: combining a deep understanding of local context with technical know-how and best practice principles & approaches across a range of fields.


The Bridging Peoples Academy is an online academy where we teach the fundamental principles and practices of good local development. Courses range from entry-level, to practical support & training for aid & development workers, to training for researchers & emerging academics. Some of the tools we share have been specifically developed by Bridging Peoples for use in our own work, and are not available outside the Academy.


7. Usikimye and addressing Gender-Based Violence in Kenya

Interview with: Stella Busolo Khachina
Discussing: Usikimye and addressing gender-based violence in Kenya

6. Virtual Songlines and Contested Terrains in Australia

Interview with: Brett Leavy
Discussing: Virtual Songlines and Cultural Heritage in Australia

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